Monday, April 7, 2008


Hello! It's the girlfriend hijacking this blog to say :

You can create a story from just about anything!

It's true. Right now, I'm watching Lobster Wars on Discovery Channel and simply put, it's a show about fishermen (mostly Canadian) going out to sea to catch .. lobsters...

And who knew that a show about lobster fishing could be so riveting?

What will happen to the deckhand that got pissed at his employer and jumped ship? What happens to the trawler Rachel Leah, who isn't bringing in as big a haul as the fishermen would like? And all the anger when the fishermen find crabs (not the STD kind) instead of lobsters caught in their traps! Even worse, watch fishermen cut the traps of other boats who have encroached on their territory! The drama! The scandal!

And just for fun, here's a bunny video. Because bunnies are awesome. (And this bunny video has garnered 1,779 responses so far on youtube. Further proof that you don't need a plot to get people talking.)

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