Saturday, March 29, 2008

Pareidolia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pareidolia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"...describes a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus... being perceived as significant. 

Common examples include images of animals or faces in clouds."

Another idea worth exploring. Think.

obsession: an elderly woman and her obsession with symbols, faces that appear on mundane household objects. The idea that she's being haunted by the ghost of her dead husband whose face keeps appearing in various forms around the house...

religious: a couple chance upon the image of the virgin mary on a grilled cheese sandwich... (oh wait. this actually happened...)

supernatural: self explanatory. a character plagued by a negative emotion such as depression, guilt, or remorse fails to notice objects in her house arranging themselves in faces which constantly glare at her, and occasionally, at the audience.

sound: a feedback loop that begins to sound increasingly like a worded message. Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP)

significance...? maybe. sometimes. depends on the story i want to tell.

(more random scribblings to continue...)

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